Provisional Adult CPR/AED


The Provisional Certification Adult CPR/AED allows participants to get a provisional certificate after completing an online component. The provisional certificate is valid for one year until the participant can complete the in-person skills portion of the Adult CPR/AED course to earn the standard Adult CPR/AED certification valid for 2 years. It is the responsibility of the participant to schedule their in-person session before the expiration of their provisional certificate. The price of the course includes both the provisional online portion and in-person class session. The in-person session must be taken prior to the expiration of the provisional certification in order to obtain the 2-year certification.

*After registering, you will receive a follow-up email that contains a unique voucher link and information on how to access your provisional online portion. Please allow up to 24 hours for the link to be generated and sent out. Please contact for any questions.


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